Giving with a Purpose
Rose Hill Cemetery and the Friends of Rose Hill count on community support to remain a community resource. The Rose Hill Cemetery has a long and distinguished past. The Rose Hill Cemetery is the final resting place for many of our community leaders, those who have made the Altoona area what it is, and those who lived, worked and called the Altoona area their home. We honor their memories by maintaining their final resting place.
There are many ways to give
Make a one time donation
Each donation goes to the care and upkeep of the Cemetery. You can donate to a specific project or just to the general upkeep of the cemetery. Thank you for your donation.
Join our Legacy Giving Program
Remembering Rose Hill Cemetery in your will, is a great way to create and leave a legacy. Leave a legacy that will endure by leaving a portion of your estate to ensure the Rose Hill Cemetery remains a community treasure.
Current Projects
Just click below to learn more about a specific project and how you can help.