Frequently Asked Questions
Rose Hill Cemetery has compiled a list of some of the most common questions. If you have a question or would like further explanation, please feel free to reach out. We would love to talk with you.
General Information
Why Rose Hill Cemetery?
As a local, non-profit cemetery, Rose Hill is part of the very fabric of Altoona. Take a quick stroll through any of our areas, you will find the final resting place of some of the people who have made Altoona great.
What is Perpetual Care?
At Rose Hill Cemetery, we offer perpetual care. Perpetual care provides the proper upkeep and maintenance on the grounds to keep it a place of honor and respect for those who have passed.
Can an existing burial share space with cremated remains?
While this is up to the individual cemetery, at Rose Hill, we have made it a practice to allow the cremated remains to be buried above a prior burial.
What is the burial process?
The first step in planning a burial at Rose Hill is to contact your local funeral director of choice. Inform them that you have purchased a burial plot at Rose Hill Cemetery. If you have not yet purchased a burial plot you may do so at the time of your loved one’s death by contacting Rose Hill Cemetery at 814-312 -0382. You will then need to decide if you plan a full body burial, or you plan to bury the cremation remains of your loved one. The funeral director will notify Rose Hill of your decisions and we will make the arrangements for the proper burial on your Rose Hill burial plot.
A full burial will include burial of the casket that is inserted inside a vault, both will be purchased through the funeral director. The cremation remains will be buried in an appropriate urn, also obtained via the funeral director.
Each plot at Rose Hill can accommodate one full body burial and one burial of cremated remains or two cremated remains.
Purchasing Lots
When should I purchase a lot(s)?
Deciding where you would like your final resting place is an important decision that should be made as you talk about end of life decisions. Purchasing your spaces early allows you to choose where you, and any family members, would like for a final resting place.
What should I consider when choosing?
There are several considerations when choosing a space that is appropriate. These can include things such as providing space for other family members. Our skilled team will take the time and walk you through all of the options providing you all of the information needed to make choices for you and your family.
Friends of Rose Hill
What is the Friend of Rose Hill?
Friends of Rose Hill Cemetery is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization founded in 2017 that is dedicated to the beautification, preservation, maintenance and appreciation of the Rose Hill Cemetery located in Altoona, Pennsylvania.
Can we volunteer?
The Friends of Rose Hill are always interested in talking with individuals and groups about volunteering within the cemetery. Just reach out and let’s talk.
Why should I donate?
Rose Hill Cemetery was established in 1905 to be the final resting place for those living in Altoona. As a local non-profit, we depend on the support from individuals and businesses to help with some of the upkeep and projects.